Put Your Life into Balance - Based in Cornwall, England- offering Online, phone and chat
07535872260 Leave a message
Humanistic-Based Approach
Support That Makes a Difference
Domestic Violence - it can happen to anyone, it is NOT your fault
Domestic violence can happen anyone, male or female . I am here to support and work with you to empower yourself.

Grief happens to us all at some point in our lives. This could be loss of a loved one human or animal and even the loss of a job, home or endings which come in other forms. Loss brings change to life as we knew it I can help you to explore possibilities of what the future may look like for you.
The feedback from people I have worked with is that they feel they have benefited and enabled them to encompass and make peace with their grief.
I offer tools and techniques to support our work together. This process may take several sessions and during those sessions I offer empathy, compassion and non- judgmental listening and reflection.

Allow me to work with you to find your sense of self
Through our exploration together we can identify your individual personal and professional goals.

Change and Growth
Life throws many surprises at us, and while we cannot predict the outcome of any situation, it is possible to empower ourselves to take control of how we respond to certain situations. Through our sessions, it is possible to understand the possibilities of choice and acceptance.

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does”
William James
Schedule a Session
I am a Registered member of the BACP (the governing body for Counsellors and Psychotherapists) Helping Online and by phone - Let me know your availability and I will work around you.
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